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Editor’s Note: The report, videos and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

The words from SGA-supported Pastor Vitaly that you’ll read below truly frame the focus of our ministry at SGA, that we would be rooted in God’s Word and centered on the Gospel. This is why all that we do—in partnership with generous friends like you—is serving the churches that God has raised up to be His witnesses in their communities

Vitaly writes: “Before each distribution of food packages, we share the Gospel (40 minutes), then invite people to come to the church and study the Bible, and then we provide them with food aid! This is how we build relationships! May God’s Name be glorified!” Here is more from Vitaly and his congregation’s ministry outreach in Ukraine . . .

A letter of thanks from the Pastor of the “Good News” Church!

 The “Good News” Church has received food aid from SGA (Slavic Gospel Association). We are very grateful for your work and generosity! Here is the report that we prepared after providing food aid to our local people! Praise the Lord that we can share the Gospel through this ministry (food aid)!

 We sincerely thank SGA supporters for their food aid! Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our church has been providing support to local people, the region and to IDPs [internally displaced persons]! Your help has helped us to continue evangelizing about Jesus Christ!  Before each distribution of food packages, we share the Gospel (40 minutes), invite people to come to the church and study the Bible, and then we provide them with food aid! This is how we build relationships! May God’s Name be glorified!

In His ministry,

Pastor Vitaly

Video #1

I am so sincerely grateful to the Lord that He sends us such good people who help us to survive in these difficult times. They help us with food, their attention, their care and their prayers. I am grateful to them for everything!

Video #2

Receiving this help for myself, I am sincerely grateful for the care you have shown to us, because in this difficult time we have been left one-on-one with our problems. And it is so good that we have a church here where we can come. Here we study God’s Word and it helps so much, because I have fears, I am not sure of myself, I am not sure of the future, but when I attend these groups, I receive answers to many of my questions that bother me. I enjoy reading and studying the Bible. Thank you very much!

Video #3

I am very grateful, first of all, to God and all the good people who organize all this. May God grant you all good health, prosperity to your families, and may He grant us all peace on the whole earth!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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