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Editor’s Note: The report and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

As you read through SGA-supported Pastor Volodymyr’s recent ministry report below, notice how thankful he is for the generosity and prayer support of friends like you. “This is your investment and ours,” he says. “But it is all for God’s glory!”

Volodymyr shares . . .

We greet you in the Name of the Lord!

Thank you for your kind hearts, for your support and love! Everything you do, and how you serve our people and God’s churches in Ukraine, will be valued by Him in heaven!

We have received food aid from you. We are in great need of it, people who live in [our] district and around. We have so many needy people here and we also have some IDPs [internally displaced persons], living around and people suffer a lot as we live very close to the border with Russia. Many of our people here no longer have houses. Their houses were destroyed by rockets. They have no money to buy even food. So, our church shares with them what we have. Every time we do the distribution we do it after the Sunday morning church services. Those who come, they first listen from the Word of God and after they get food packages. 

So, I can tell that people are enjoying being at the church, listening to the sermons, and singing together with us. And now they come more often to the church services on their own as they want to come, they want to be in relationship with Christians. So, dear friends, this is your investment and ours, but it is all for God’s glory! We thank everyone who donated, who raised funds, who purchased the products, packed them all, and delivered them here! Thank you! 

 May God bless you all richly according to His riches! [Our church is] very grateful for your ministry.    

With prayer, 

This is a family of IDPs from eastern Ukraine—Andrei and Natalia. You can see what is left from their apartment there.

This Is Your Investment And Ours 4

Tatiana is from eastern Ukraine. She became homeless. The house she lived in was destroyed by bombing.

This Is Your Investment And Ours 5

We provided food aid to Mrs. Halyna. She is disabled.

This Is Your Investment And Ours

This is the distribution after a Sunday morning church service.

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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