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Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported church in Ukraine.

In the midst of war in Ukraine, SGA’s Vice President of Ministry Operations, Eric Mock, shares a word of encouragement from his interaction with SGA-supported pastors and churches and a seminary on the frontlines. As he says, “God’s grace is flowing” through His people and through your support of SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry…

If you are exhausted like me, and heavy of heart, I want to encourage you in this day that God is on His throne and is at work among His people in this day. People sheltering at the seminary were evacuated safely by the Ukrainian military and are unharmed. Praise God! We are working to get them westward.   

Sergei is in [another city], and the airport was bombed earlier. But he and his family are safe. Ruslan and Oxana have sent aid to ten regions across Ukraine, to four regions I believe in Russia and aid to Poland where there are now two million Ukrainian refugees. God’s grace is flowing!  

Now with all this said, please look pictures [below]. These are people who have nothing and have suffered even more because of this brutal invasion. The church that SGA serves, through resources we have provided, was able to serve them. With all the images we see, most don’t see these.   

The other side of the story is God. The sinful wickedness we see each day — it is in our face. But these pictures tell the story of God’s people passing on hope, passing on the Gospel, passing on the love of God in Christ Jesus.  

Dwell on Him in this day for He is worthy of our praise. 

In a time of great fear and uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported churches and Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes food for 10 days, medicine, warm clothing, shoes, and Scripture materials. 


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Life-Changing Work