220323 Sga Willing To Help Their Neighbors In One Of Ukraines Hardest Hit Regions1

Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine. 

In his recent report from Ukraine, SGA-supported Pastor Aleksandr rightly compares generous friends like you to the Good Samaritan (whose example of compassion we read about in Luke 10:30-37). Through your generosity and prayer support, you have helped the SGA-supported churches in his region to share the Gospel and life-saving aid with 850 people and/or families. 

With the heart of a neighbor, you are helping pastors and congregations help their neighbors in one of the hardest-hit regions in the ongoing war. Here is Pastor Aleksandr’s recent report . . . 

Greetings to you, our dear friends in Christ! 

They say that a friend in need is friend indeed. By your participation in our needs, you confirmed that you are not indifferent to the troubles of other people, whom you do not know personally, but as a Samaritan, you help the needy. 

Thank you very much for the help you have given us. We live in [a region of Ukraine]. The military conflict has been going on here for eight years now. During this time, [our region] became very impoverished. There are few working enterprises left, many young families leave in search of a better life. COVID-19, and now the war has generally plunged the population into poverty. 

In our churches of [this region] there are a lot of people, which are helping people in need right now. We distributed the funds that we received from you to 11 churches of our [region] we buy food for them, pack them in bags and distribute to refugees, low-income families, disabled people, large families. Some churches feed everyone in the Houses of Prayer, for someone we buy diapers, bedding, medicines, etc. 

I am sending you some photos of what we are doing. God bless you and your families! If you have the opportunity to help us further, we will be very grateful. 


Pastor Aleksandr  

In a time of great fear and uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes food, medicine, warm clothing, shoes, and Scripture materials. 

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Life-Changing Work