Pavel P.
SGA-Supported Missionary Pastor in Belarus
Go out to the main roads, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast (Matthew 22:9).
We greet you, our dear brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! This past summer was very busy and we had time to do a lot of things.
I often have to go out to remote villages to invite people to church. One day I was out driving, and I prayed that the Lord would send unsaved souls on my way. I was passing by a garbage can when I saw a woman who was looking for food there. I immediately stopped and went over to meet her.
Her name was Masha, and as it turned out, she went to our church 20 years ago! I immediately invited her to come to the service on Sunday. Surprisingly, she agreed. One week later I went to pick up Masha in the village to take her to church, and I was hoping yet uncertain whether she would go or not. When I arrived at her house, I saw that she was waiting for me, and Masha had brought a friend with her. On that Sunday, God touched Masha’s heart and she came out to repent. Now every Sunday, the two of them come to church together. Glory to our Lord for this! We have many more exciting things ahead of us!
We organized a Vacation Bible School at our church. Many children gathered from our village and the neighboring villages in the region. It lasted three days. The children came at 9 a.m. and left at 7 p.m. The outreach was designed so that each child would get to know the Lord Jesus Christ. For this purpose, we printed manuals for the children, which they used throughout the camp. There were creative activities, outdoor games, and of course Bible lessons. With God’s help, the VBS/camp session went very well, with some of the children wanting to keep attending Sunday school. Praise our Lord for this, and pray for these children.
One final activity this summer involved taking our children to the Bible Quiz at the Zhemchuzhinka (Little Pearl) Camp supported by SGA. Children from across Belarus gathered there. As a result, there were 13 teams. Children demonstrated their knowledge of the Book of Luke and performed different tasks. Our children managed to take 8th place. We thank God for helping us to bring children to such events. Through them, the children grow spiritually and get to fellowship with other believers. We thank the Lord, remembering you constantly in our prayers. Thank you for being with us in our labor. May the Lord bless you abundantly!