
Seminary students will go on to serve in all areas of church ministry.

Twenty-seven years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed. That means an entire generation has grown up with no memory of life under communism. Tragically, the spiritual vacuum created by seven decades of official atheism remains. The upcoming generation is being lured by many ungodly influences, including materialism, false religions, drug and alcohol addiction, sexual immorality, human trafficking, organized crime, and dangerous cults. The challenges are different, but the overwhelming spiritual need is just as intense.

Through your ongoing prayers and generous support, you have helped equip the church for their great task!

Through your gifts, you fund the training of a fresh crop of thousands of brave biblical leaders who are revolutionizing the advance of Christ’s kingdom in the former USSR. This occurs through the Slavic Gospel Association’s support of four strategic seminaries: Irpen Biblical Seminary in Ukraine, Novosibirsk Biblical-Theological Seminary in Russia, Minsk Theological Seminary in Belarus, and Almaty Bible Institute in Kazakhstan.

Together, these biblically sound schools are preparing the next generation of men to serve as pastors, missionaries, and church planters, women for children’s and women’s ministry, and urgently needed worship and church music leaders.


SGA supports 4 biblically sound seminaries in the former Soviet Union.

Here are a few key developments over the past year that you helped make possible:

  • Novosibirsk Biblical-Theological Seminary now training 86 students at four satellite locations. This is in addition to the 82 students now enrolled at the main seminary campus. The four satellites offer Bachelor of Divinity and Bachelor of Theology degrees.
  • Four Antioch Initiative courses have been taught at Yakutsk in Far East Russia with 45 students enrolled.
  • A total of 15 students graduated from Antioch training in Irkutsk.
  • Graduate-level biblical counseling program at Novosibirsk with 17 students enrolled.
  • Certificate-level biblical counseling program started in Irkutsk with 25 students enrolled.

Thank you for making God’s kingdom your priority! And for your commitment to making this truth lived out in the former USSR: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

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Life-Changing Work