Khakim S.
SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor in Western Russia
There are literally hundreds of people groups across vast Russia, and one of them is known as the Roma—who are commonly called gypsies across Eastern Europe, but the Roma consider that very offensive. Poverty is rampant, yet doors for the Gospel are being opened by the Lord, as Khakim’s report shows:
I recently visited Andrei’s family, who are Roma in nationality. Andrei is ill with HIV and Hepatitis C related to years of drug addiction. He contracted all these diseases while leading an unrighteous life. But Andrei began to understand that he was living sinfully and that he needed to be changed. Later he started attending our meetings on Sundays and Wednesdays. His father Nikolai battles illnesses, and I shared the Gospel with him many times. This time, I was able to talk to his wife and shared the Gospel with her. Ruslan, Andrei’s relative, is also a drug addict and has run-ins with the law. I was able to have a good talk with him and shared Christ, telling Ruslan about the true faith and corrected misconceptions that Ruslan had. God’s Word has been sown!
Another of my visits was to Raj’s family. His wife’s name is Lisa. They have six children and the family lives very poorly. In the corner of the main room are hanging many icons, as we see in many homes. Raj and his family were very happy to receive a food gift and were very glad that we came to visit them. I started talking about God and then one of the daughters came up to me. She asked about my faith, and I explained it to her. It turned out that she was attending meetings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult. She had already learnt some of their false doctrines and I was able to talk to her about it, and provided verses from the Scriptures showing the deity of Christ. We will talk some more with her next time, by God’s grace. Praise God for all things!
Indeed, we praise God for these Gospel seeds being planted. Sometimes the soil is hard and the labor can take months, if not years. But the Lord brings the fruit in His time. Pray for Khakim and his faithful, diligent ministry among Russia’s Roma.