Here is the story from an interview with a Ukrainian refugee who is being helped by an SGA-supported church in Poland . . . 


Elena, 42 years old 

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On February 24, 2022, Elena’s family heard the shelling in a city near theirs. But despite the shelling, they stayed in their city for another week and did not want to leave their home until the very last minute. They did not go down into the basement but hid from the explosions in the corridor of their apartment, which was on the 1st floor of an apartment building. Shelling was constantly heard. But Elena even went to work at a store at that time.  

A little later, when the shelling intensified, she decided not to take the risk, so she stayed home. Elena, together with her husband and her son, did not wait for a shell to hit their yard or their apartment building but decided to go to a different Ukrainian region.  

They drove from their home to another Ukrainian city with their friends in two cars. They wanted to stay for the night, but unfortunately, they could not rent any accommodation there. Everything was closed. The entire city was in darkness, and no one would open their door or give them a place to sleep. It was curfew time, and there was not a single person on the streets, so they had to sleep in their cars. All eight of them settled down as best they could. It was cramped there, uncomfortable and cold because it was 23 ˚F outside. They were suffering and freezing, but at least they had a chance to get some rest. 

The next morning, they left this city for another Ukrainian city. Elena says they went absolutely nowhere. They had no relatives or acquaintances there. They decided to go just to find a place to stay. And then they arrived at a very small village. The head of the village warmly welcomed them and put them in a house that belonged to ordinary villagers, complete strangers to them. Those villagers welcomed them as a family: they gave them delicious food, a place to sleep, their care, and a place to have a shower. God took care of Elena’s family and friends through an ordinary Ukrainian village family. They spent one night in the village, and the next morning they set out again for a different Ukrainian region.  

Then they found themselves in a different village. They were met by their acquaintances and were put in the boarding house. It was agreed that Elena’s family and friends would stay there for one night for now. The boarding house rent was symbolic. Beside them, refugees from other Ukrainian cities, also live there. Elena’s acquaintances warmly welcomed Elena’s family: they shared food with them and gave them a separate room. And so, all of Elena’s relatives, who were traveling with her, remained there in the village and the boarding house. Elena’s husband and son, were not allowed out of Ukraine as men of military age. They are now working in that village. 

Then Elena was called by her friend Zhanna to a church in Poland. The woman met her at the train station in Poland. Then she gave her a place to live for a while in the church building with other refugees from Ukraine. 

Now Elena is still living in the church building and is looking for a job and permanent accommodation. She is glad to be safe and feels cared for by Christians. But Elena worries a lot about her son, who is now in Ukraine. And, of course, she hopes to see him again soon.  

We see God leading unbelieving Ukrainians out of war-torn Ukraine and into a church building and Christian family. Maybe that is the work of His saving hand in their lives. 


In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes. 

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