We are grateful that God has made a way to truck emergency supplies from Poland into various regions of Ukraine throughout the war. After the food, medicines, hygiene supplies, and other relief arrives at SGA-supported churches in Ukraine, local pastors and their congregants distribute the aid to hurting people in their communities.
SGA-supported Pastor Mykhailo’s congregation is one of these. In this report below, he shares how meeting physical needs has softened hearts to the Gospel and helped more people meet Jesus!
Since the beginning of the war, our church has been delivering humanitarian aid to [a Ukrainian city] for one month (March 2022). From mid-March to mid-May, I personally delivered more than 30 tons of humanitarian supplies by vehicle to various churches in [this city]. Starting in mid-April and until now, our church has been serving the IDPs [internally displaced persons] in [a different Ukrainian city]. Every week we invite 200 or more people to the service for IDPs. After the service, we distribute food packages to them, sometimes, when possible, clothes, blankets, shoes, etc. Over 5,000 people have attended such services last year.
We also run an eye clinic where doctors check people’s eyesight and give them free eyeglasses. A nurse tests blood pressure and blood sugar levels. While waiting to see a doctor, patients listen to the Gospel being preached through paintings. More than 2000 people visited the eye clinic last year. This year we are continuing this ministry. We have distributed food to 197 people in total, 100% IDPs
Dear SGA friends and sponsors, thank you for your prayerful and financial support of the ministry! Without your help, it would not be possible.
With gratitude and prayer for you,
Here are testimonies from Ukrainian people helped through Mykhailo and his congregation’s outreach . . .
. . . I feel love for people and I always have a feeling of gratitude to God for people who help me. And I ask God to forgive me, so that I am not upset with anyone for any reason. I am deeply touched when I hear something about God and I am so grateful to Him for it, and I ask Him to accept me into His church. Although I have not been baptized yet, I have received Jesus into my heart.
I am a disabled person. Together with my sister (who is also disabled), we moved [here] in early spring last year. We rent one room together because of financial difficulties. Your help has encouraged us a lot. Thank you very much for your compassion and care for us. We are retired people. Due to the war in Ukraine, we were forced to move [here] from [a different Ukrainian] region. We get a government pension. Unfortunately, it is not enough to cover all our needs. We thank you for such a prompt and needed help for our family.
We arrived [here] in early fall. Before we lived in the occupied territory in [a different] region. We have eight adopted orphans in our family. We receive financial support for our children from the government, but most of it goes to renting a house. We are always lacking food. Because of you, we have saved money to buy food. Thank you for your support.
My name is Raisa. I came [here] four months ago. I really like the way I was welcomed. There are not enough words of gratitude! I am grateful to all those people who provide us with food, for their warmth and care. We are grateful for absolutely everything, looking back at what we have been through. In general, I like [this city] very much and would stay here to live. I see now and I believe that God cares about me through you, because otherwise I would not be here now. I used to have a bad attitude towards believing in God, but now I think of it differently. Now it touches me so deeply. I try to pray on my own and with your help. Thank you all for your help, I just don’t have enough words.
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.