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Editor’s Note: The testimonies and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

For nearly two years during the war in Ukraine, we have seen how God has awakened hearts to Himself and has worked amid the suffering many have endured. The SGA-supported pastor who shared the following testimonies has seen how God “shouts in our pains,” as author and lay theologian C.S. Lewis once said. And this pastor and his congregation are making the most of every opportunity to minister as more and more displaced Ukrainians arrive in his community.

“Before distributing the food aid,” the pastor says, “we tell people about the repentance and temporary earthly life. Our goal is not only to feed them, but mainly to share the Lord’s love for everyone.” Here are four testimonies of Ukrainians who have experienced God through His people . . .

Feeding The Hungry And Sharing The Lords Love Testimony 1


I came from southeastern Ukraine. Our town is occupied. We fled the city when the invaders had already entered and occupied our city, and the nuclear power plant. I worked at the nuclear power plant. The invaders were shelling everything around. Everything was mined. Even our favorite places where we used to go fishing in the woods. Everywhere and everything was exploding, everything was on fire, being shelled, burning. A terrible picture that is still before my eyes. Fear and hopelessness. And I had to make a decision instantly. We had everything at home: family, house, and summer house. And we had to leave everything behind and flee to save our family’s lives and our own. At the checkpoints, the invaders searched us and we were warned not to take money, because they would take it away. So as a result, we left with nothing. Now we are [here in this region] and are happy to be safe, healthy, and able to come to church where we feel so comfortable and welcomed. We are very grateful for any help. Thank you!

Feeding The Hungry And Sharing The Lords Love Testimony 2


My family and I came from northeastern Ukraine. Our house is not far from the border with Russia. We heard and saw explosions, airplanes, and helicopters. Our neighbors’ house burned down. A large piece of the invaders’ combat shrapnel landed in our yard, and my husband miraculously survived. We have adult sons. We were very worried about them. We lived in the basement for about a month. It was very scary, and it’s impossible to describe all that fear in words or a short story, because you have to experience it yourself. But I do not wish anyone to see and go through such hell. And this is the entire civilized world living in the 21st century! We expected the war to end very soon. But no, it was getting harder and harder. We had no more food. The electricity, gas, everything was destroyed. 

My husband’s brother sent volunteers and they took us out. We are now living in the House of Prayer in [this] region. We are being helped very well. Any support for people living so far from home is very valuable. Thank you very much for the food and hygiene sets. Our family sends our heartfelt and sincere gratitude! 

Feeding The Hungry And Sharing The Lords Love Testimony 3


I came from northeastern Ukraine. I lived with my daughter in the subway, where there were many people with children, dogs, and cats. We slept on cardboard boxes. We heard explosions all the time. It was impossible to go to the pharmacy safely, there were constant sirens, explosions, and long lines everywhere. My daughter got sick. We ate what volunteers would bring us. We couldn’t handle it anymore, so we had to leave. 

We could not believe that we would not see our home again, that we would be taken away immediately and brought to a completely different part of Ukraine. We waited and believed that all this should be over soon. But while we are here, in [this] part of Ukraine, we go to the church of evangelical Christians and together with the people in the church, we ask God to have mercy on our people and give peace. Thank you, dear friends, for your help!

Feeding The Hungry And Sharing The Lords Love Testimony 4

A family from southern Ukraine

We came from southern Ukraine. Together with my family, we fled under fire. We crossed a small bridge. We left our car behind because the road bridge was partially opened. An invaders’ helicopter landed just then and started shooting at people. We survived. The attack was repelled by our military and volunteers. We arrived [here]  with our relatives’ car. We are very grateful for the food aid. We thank you for the opportunity to listen to the Word of God, because in the conditions of limited communication and lack of familiar environment, meetings with you also provide psychological support. Now we realize that it is all God! He brought us out of there and we are now here among God’s people! We thank God for everything!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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