The story of 15-year-old Nikita comes from our Storyteller Diana, who works with orphan and at-risk kids in southern Kazakhstan. I spent time with this boy last August in a summer camp, and he is a kind and loving young man, standing in contrast to what his heart had to endure.
Like a broken heart into pieces, God heals through restoration. Nikita is 15 years old. We met him two years ago, when he came with other children from an orphanage to our Christian camp. He was previously isolated. This means that the teacher separates him from other children for educational purposes. It sounds cruel, but local orphanages operate according to these rules.
Nikita ended up in an orphanage because his father went to prison. Nikita’s father was sent to prison for many years because he killed his wife (Nikita’s mother). He hacked her to death with an ax in front of Nikita. At the same time, Nikita’s heart broke into thousands of pieces. He experienced a terrible shock. This story became known to us from our eldest son.
The first days in the camp Nikita was very aggressive, he fought with all the guys, he refused to eat. We usually first divide the children into groups of 10 people. Each squad has its own mentor and assistant mentor. Nikita ended up in a team where our eldest son Joseph was the assistant counselor. Of course, Nikita faced difficulties. He disrupted Bible lessons, hit children, ran away, and much more. When Nikita got into a fight again, he was asked to sit in class. Joseph stayed with him. They talked a little.
Nikita told him:
“Do you all think I’m bad? It’s right! I want to be bad! This is how I defend myself and won’t let anyone offend me.”
Joseph invited Nikita to become his friend. He said that he recently thought that God would give him a good friend. And it seems to him that Nikita could become him. This surprised Nikita very much.
After all, everyone pushed him away and, on the contrary, did not want to be friends with him. Day after day they talked a lot and ate together. One afternoon Nikita had another violent attack and beat up another boy.
Joseph took him aside to see what had happened.
Nikita began to cry and said:
“I don’t know why this anger lives in me? I don’t know why I have to be kind to people. My father killed my mother in front of my eyes. Why should I be kind?”
Nikita shouted this and cried at the same time. Joseph hugged him. And he cried with him.
It seems to us parents that hearing this story from such a young man is a lot of stress. But what’s even scarier is that this story is real. Nikita told his story only to Joseph. Probably because they are almost the same age. And it would be easier for a friend to open up than for an adult mentor.
That evening Joseph came to us for advice. He was very upset for Nikita and didn’t know how to help him, what to say. We couldn’t offer him anything either. We simply prayed together and advised Joseph to pray for Nikita every day and be with him more. Support, encourage, and talk about a loving God.
These days in the camp had a good effect on Nikita. Every day he became more calm and obedient. Nikita prayed to God for the first time. He became interested in studying Bible lessons.
Nikita said:
“This camp gave me the first friend in my life. in the camp I learned about God who loves me very much. I will try to be like Him. after all, He died for my pain.”
After the camp, we came to the orphanage on Saturdays and maintained our friendship and mentorship throughout the year. After that, Nikita came to the camp several times, and we see time after time that he became cheerful and kind. We see how God heals Nikita’s heart.
We always wanted a good family for Nikita. There was one family who takes Nikita to their home for the weekend. Nikita loved these people very much, and they loved him too. We pray if God wants him to be adopted. And so that we can do all the documents for Nikita and this good, kind family. We trust Nikita’s future to God! We are glad that Nikita and I have become so close. We are glad that our son Joseph can continue his friendship with Nikita and support him.
May God gather his broken heart into several parts into one vessel for high use, suitable for every good deed.”