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Editor’s Note: The video report below was provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

Here is an update from SGA-supported Pastor Leonid on humanitarian aid delivered to Kalynivka. In the church’s video, they convey their thankfulness for the generous giving and prayer support of friends like you, as well as the enormity of the challenges still before them as the war continues in Ukraine. 

Please pray with us that God will strengthen this body of believers and provide more assistance—and opportunities to share the Gospel—as they reach out to displaced Ukrainians seeking help and hope.

Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:26-28).

Greetings in Jesus’ Name, dear friends! Sending to you our love and gratitude for all you do! This is a video report from a recent distribution of the food aid to IDPs [internally displaced persons] and all the needy in Kalynivka district.

For His Glory,

Pastor Leonid


Narrator:Since the beginning of the war, the Revival Church in Kalynivka (Vinnytsia region), has been doing evangelistic work and providing food, hygiene products and clothing to the IDPs. The Lord keeps blessing this ministry! For today, the month of June 2023, more than 3,000 food packages have been distributed.

People are speaking in the church hall:

Our dream is to return to our homes! 

My son is disabled. It was very difficult to get here. We had to call an ambulance three times. I was dreaming that our city would be released, that our soldiers would survive . . . (crying)

I see in my life that when God brings something to a person, or some grief has happened, He will fulfill their life!

Narrator:We receive humanitarian aid from the mission and distribute it to people, which also gives us an opportunity to share the Gospel. And to listen to those who need to be heard. 

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the mission and to all those who are involved in the ministry of helping the Ukrainian people. And we also want you to hear words of gratitude from the people who have received help.

People are speaking:

I am from Kherson. We were flooded. The water reached our windows, about eight feet deep. Thanks to all the volunteers, they are helping people, bringing bread and water to our neighborhood. I saw it myself on the news. We only trust in God, and we pray to God. Glory to Jesus Christ! 

 My house is also flooded. A rocket hit the house before it was flooded. There is nothing in the house: balconies, windows, everything has been destroyed. Our village is completely flooded. Everything is floating there now. So much garbage is floating. People and animals are dying. The [invading forces] do not allow anyone to evacuate from the left side. If we had stayed there, we would have died. We were asking the Lord, praying to Him every day. We are very grateful to the Lord and the people who help us.

My name is Oksana. I am an IDP from the Kherson region. I have been here since August last year. I came here with my disabled daughter and grandson. We like your area very much, but our hearts are always asking to go home! I am grateful to the people who always help us and support us. I am very grateful to the Revival Church here in Kalynivka, to all the sponsors who care about IDPs like us. When I was at home, I also volunteered as much as I could, but I had to leave everything behind and flee for the sake of my children. I am also very, very grateful for the moral support, and today I even got moral relief. I even calmed down a little bit.

Narrator: As a team, we, who joined this ministry locally, sincerely THANK YOU for your sacrifice and dedication, and we wish you God’s blessings!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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