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Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

Here is another encouraging report from a church that is helping to feed many people in need in Ukraine . . . both physically and spiritually.

Greetings in the Name of the Lord!

Thank you dear friends from SGA for all your support in our lives and ministry! May the Lord bless you in everything you do for His glory!

I want to tell you a little bit about the ministry we do. I am sure that this deserves a special attention and support . . . We make our own food: condensed milk, porridge with meat, pastes (based on peas and sometimes buckwheat), boiled lard, jam, pickles, cabbage, beet or carrot salads (Korean style), and bake cookies. In short, we do what we can do in rural conditions and with the help of ordinary people. There are 10 to 15 volunteers (believers and non-believers) working here, and we have a good place to work.

At the same time, our sisters can witness to unbelieving women about Christ during their work together in the kitchen. And this ministry is priceless. We show our testimony by our work, by our love for others, and unbelievers see it. This is the best testimony of love for people who are not saved yet. People are sacrificial, selfless, and dedicated. And 14 months of such ministry have confirmed this.

Everything we do, we do on our own, with our garden products and the money from our church members. Sometimes there were individual people who could donate for our ministry . . . We have a limited number of people/refugees, who need our help and we do take care of them. During the time of our work, we have already produced more than 30,000 jars (0.5 liters) of products and hundreds of buckets of vegetables! This is a great blessing and miracle for us! God’s grace!

However, for the last two to three months we have been having a very hard time finding the necessary resources. Recently, we received food aid from SGA and we are so thankful to you for this support! May God bless you richly! If you know someone who would be willing to help our ministry, tell them about our ministry. Telling the truth, I have not heard and do not know if anyone does something like this in our oblast brotherhood. Most likely not.

Please, look at the pictures and videos that show our ministry.

Pastor Olexander

Watch how the meat is canned . . .

More canning and preparation of food . . .

An elderly woman helps organize the jars for canning . . .

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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