An urgent prayer request has been made by Eric Mock, who serves as Senior Vice President of Ministry Operations at SGA. For the past two days, the civilian population in Zaporozhe has taken fire, tragically resulting in civilian causalities. The short video and images below from the destruction are a stark reminder that local ministers, pastors, and congregations throughout Ukraine still face real dangers every day.
We can rest assured that God hears our prayers. Psalm 32:7 says, You are my hiding place; you will save me from trouble. I sing aloud of your salvation, because you protect me. Please take a moment to pause today and pray for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Christ facing immense hardships. Thank you for your compassionate heart, and for praying for those in great need around the world.
Video taken of the recent destruction in Zaporozhe, Ukraine.
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.